Today’s Women International Network (TWIN) sincerely appreciates all donations to promote our mission of designing and implementing programs that will help eradicate poverty, curtail all forms of violence and impunity against women and children and making them self-reliance in the West African Sub-Region.
TWIN has received donations from foundations, non-profit partners, association and governments.
TWIN extends its thanks and appreciation to following foundations, non-profit partners, association and government for their generous support within the periods from 2002-2007.
- New Field Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation
- ALCOA Foundation
Non-Profit Partners
- Lutheran World Federation/World Service
- International Rescue Committee
- United Nations Children Fund
- United Nations Development Program
- Norwegian Church Aid
- World Food Program
- Family Health International
- Save the Children-Finland (through Save the Children USA)
- English Speaking Women Association
- The British Government (through UNICEF)
- The Italian Government (through UNICEF)
- The French Government (through UNICEF)
- The Guinean Government (through the Direction Régionale de Santé)